October 15, 2010

People don't know truth even if it hits them in the nuts

I've been away for a long time. Sole reason because I'm getting sick and tired of this pretentious ludicrous you call 'social-networking'. I don't see people interacting in a manner where it cannot be carried out through the material world. Also, I want to clearly state that I'm talking about the people who waste countless hours on the internet on twitter, facebook and whatnot; not people signing off million-dollar business deals or updating oneself on the stock market.

The past few months has been an eyeopener. To step away from the fog of utter nonsense of today's "communication" through the internet, I can see clearly the intentions of your 'tweets' and 'wall posts'. Sad to say, only a handful seemed relevant.

Call me harsh, but these are my two cents. Object if you may as everyone is entitled the freedom to judge. I speak from observation and experience and somehow, I need to share this with you. Be it a revelation or a rant, I'll try to interpret my thoughts as subtly as possible.

Now, I'm sure everyone has been through scrolling down your news feed searching in vain for something to spark your interest. I sure have and every time I did this, I feel like a chunk of my life has been stolen from right under my nose. My news feed is flooded with people scribbling on each others' walls, random sentences to expose one's current emotion (but not revealing too much as comments urging them to spill is greatly expected), and most of all, CLAIMING INDIVIDUALITY OF THEMSELVES.

Oops sorry my caps lock likes to act up when im typing the truth.

Facebook gives an individual a vast creative space where they can express themselves, and sometimes, I think its toying with our very mentality. On many of the profiles in the description box, there's always a "I'm not who you think I am", "Don't judge me because you don't know me" and "I'm different".

1. People claim that they shouldn't be judge as others don't know who they are. However, they overexpose themselves with posting every detail of their life from breakfast to relationship issues, whether directly or subliminally. So, first you're telling me that I don't know you, therefore shouldn't judge you THEN you broadcast who exactly you are on facebook. People judge, its human intuition. You can't just TELL them not to judge and expect your wishes to be granted. And er... okay? Why are you telling me what you are? Why are you so quick to judge yourself? There is a chance you land yourself in a predicament where you decide the person you were advertising on your profile page is not who you want to be.

2. Yeah we all know you're different, you're weird and aliens would probably keep you as pets. But really? People are so obsessed with being "different" and "weird", they go all lengths to prove it! I know a handful who clearly states that they are. Sure, everyone is special. Everyone's got talents and interests but this obsession with trying to be different is turning into a norm. Isn't this situation all too paradoxical? Everyone sticks out from the crowd, until there is no more a crowd to stick up from and then you're back to square one. Just another one in a crowd.

3. The nonsense you people write on each others' walls! Sometimes its hard to actually believe what I'm seeing. People actually have such vehement conversations just to publicize themselves in a manner all too "subtle". Conversations of discussions from boys to the type of whatever they like spreads like wildfire and everyone wants to be a part of it. Thus, commenting is born. Why do I want to know what you and Ms. Obvious had for lunch at Pavilion after this super awesome movie in a theater flooded with hot guys for? Save me the hassle of SKIPPING this irrelevant information off my new feed, thank you. They created applications for this sole purpose. Instant messaging. Keep private conversations private and for the sake of this world, don't accuse someone of stalking you when you're broadcasting your whereabouts in such a way you might as well yell your location over a megaphone.

4. "She copied me because she knows I'm cool. I know I'm cool and I don't want anyone to be like me, but obviously I can't tell her not to be like me. That's like totally bitchy. I'm just gonna keep and eye out and tell everyone else that she's a carbon copy of... me" Sound familiar? Probably not as you are now trying to analyze yourself to see if you fit the description. You do, but you deny it in haste. We all know a pompous cock like that, sometimes the person happens to be in the mirror. So when your trademark good-bye or genre of music that only you listen to (how odd as a song at some degree of fame will make it to the internet where EVERYONE can access) has been 'stolen' by someone, you start pissing all over your property claiming you had it 'first'. Tell me, where did you get it from again? That's right, the internet. No one started anything first. Unless you invented electricity.
