May 3, 2009

Kristy : Give me an English accent.

Justin : Fish and chips.

So I went to Sunway yesterday for Yasmeen's 12th birthday. Man, she's tall. I'll give her till the end of '09 and she'll be my height.

Rachel was helping Justin complete his folio and she was asking what he'd wanna put in the 'dislikes' section for his biodata. Here's what happened.

Rachel : What do you wanna put?

Justin : Nuts.

Rachel : That's stupid. Give me another one.

Justin : Plants?

Rachel : You might as well put air.

And she typed out :

1. Kristy
2. Pn. Sairah (his teacher)
3. Fucking multiplications

Justin was all like 'Nooo! Noooo!'

My siblings are painfully ridiculous.

Anyway, I really have no idea why I'm posting at this hour. I have no mood to do anything. I'll post a real one soon enough.

Till then.