September 8, 2009

We're just a figment of my wild imagination.

Whuzzup, whuzzup?!

I joined the stupid poster competition crap. I mean, I do like drawing. Don't get me wrong. It's just that I hate to limit myself when I'm doing something I like. You know, as I sit here at my desk and ponder, I realized what a shit job I did. C'mon. They gave us three freakin' hours. Three! I can't paint anything within three hours that doesn't look like hippopotamus shit!

While I take a moment to wallow in my deep depths of regret, feel free to exit the browser.

Okay, I'm done wallowing. :D

I've been so drained lately, especially in school. Particularly in the morning. That's why I looked so stoned. It's like I can't sleep till 2am but of course, eventually I do force myself to doze off, and I wake up at 5 freakin' 30. Sigh.

Have you ever some across someone soooo shittish, you just want to nuke their horrid faces? I have. I have a lot and I'm beginning to believe that resistance is futile.

Hurricaneeeeee yoz facez.