So, yesterday I was watching American Idol reruns, enjoying my chilled Milo and succumbing into how much I stink after school when I heard something drop. It's more of a crack/pop/snap/crackle sound to be exact. I thought it was some of the cats playing with the broom behind the 'airconditioner box' outside.
As usual, I wouldn't be blogging about it if I weren't wrong. I went outside to find that the tiles on the compound were uneven. It was so hot, the tiles raised! Global warming in action, people!
This morning, I was in the kitchen having my breakfast when Justin strolled in joyfully. I asked for a hug, and he did.
Justin : *while hugging me* Okay, I need to pee now.
Wtf, right?
Kristy : Justin, do you love me?
*long pause*
Justin : Quite.
Kristy : Quite?
Justin : Yeah. Quite. :)
Kristy : What do you mean by quite?
Justin : It's a secret.
Kristy : Secret? Tell me, I wanna know.
Justin : You punished me yesterday.
Kristy : -___________-
Justin : Okay okayy, I love you lah.
*runs out of the kitchen*
Here's what I learned from this mini conversation :-
1. Asking him to study is considered a punishment
2. It's very difficult to get Justin to love you
3. Justin's definition of love includes :
giving him lotsa freedom
shower him with hugs
letting him hog the television
allowing him to shower for an hour
drowning him in toys
4. He forces himself to love you just to make you shut up
5. He just wants me to stop talking
6. He'll make up any excuse to stop hugging me
Eventually, he came back and finished his meal though.
Meet the horror.
This is an awesome cover by the way.
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