April 13, 2009

TK says my blog is dull and boring.

I couldn't agree more. Haha.

Okay so I went to Wei Xiang's house last Saturday for barbeque. Man, I can't even remember the last time I had a barbeque. Oh yes. I fell down too. There goes my knee I guess. It has freakin' scars, damn it!

And Phil, the fact that you're now 'plural' and not 'singular' unlike me truly is mind exploding. Seriously. Mind annihilating.

Also, what's with the momentous break ups and flings nowadays? C'mon people. Just a bunch of 'BUT KRISTY, I THOUGHT IT WAS LOVE LOL!!!1!one! Who gives a crap? Not to mention this leads to 'I'm going to kill myself *slits wrists like some moron*'

Oh dude, if you wanna kill yourself, hit an artery already. Your momentus 'down the road, across the street' slits just proves you have no balls. If you wanna die, die like a man. Do the world a favour. No one can watch you cut yourself like a moron without having that temptation of butchering your head off your neck. :D

Here's what you should do when you're upset:

1.) Laugh at the morons who still slits their wrists hopelessly
2.) Stuff your face with whatever you can find
3.) Sharpen pencils (yes, shut up)
4.) Take a walk
5.) Tick off the pizza delivery guy

I'm sorry. My raging hormones are taking over. Don't feel offended.

Till then.