February 20, 2009


Just needed to let it out.

I've been thinking lately and realize that some people are nothing but a bunch of pompous airheads.

Once again, Just needed to let it out.

Let me tell you what happened today. Some teachers claim to be absolutely superior. When I come to think about it, all they do is play the 'teacher' card without taking students' feelings into consideration. Just because you are a teacher, doesn't mean we have to silence ourselves foolishly. We all have opinions and just because you don't want something pointed out so boldly, you say 'Are you the teacher, or am I?'

I mean, can you even hear yourself? Do you realize how irrational you sound? You were the one who teaches us to be open minded while receiving comments/opinions but you selfishly set such an example where you turn your back on your own words for your students. Do you actually see how hypocritic you are?

You even spit out words to shatter a student's self-esteem on purpose just for your satisfaction. You ask why she didn't attend sports practice not because you are concern of her well being but because you just wanted an opportunity to show your dominance. Without thinking twice, you exaggerated on your comment. We all have excuses, but it's not like you would want to accept it. If you will not consider a student's excuse, why did you ask for it in the first place?

You think you know everything, but you're just another selfish, inconsiderate and foolish person.

How many people here has less that 10 friends? I do, but their more than enough.

You asked me why don't I have many friends and I reasoned it out but you looked at me like I was an outcast. Seriously? How old are you? Say, 50? I don't like keeping a big circle of friends because I like keeping stuck ups like you away. 50 years old and you don't even understand why I don't want various types of people in my presence. I'm guessing you're foolish enough to keep the assholes around you, just so you'd have more 'friends'. I don't blame you though. You're just another 50 year old 'teacher' who is recently divorced.

Geez, I need painkillers. Lots of it. Truckloads of it, to be exact.