April 10, 2010

Hot blooded

Is it some untold aphorism that one can never really use up an eraser? Maybe it's just me but I think I have used up to five million erasers so far. Every time I buy an eraser or two, it either goes missing, breaks apart or vandalized by me. The fact that I like expensive erasers doesn't help as well. When I actually think about it, I've never really completely use up ONE eraser at a time. It's pathetic. Something so simple, cannot be done. I know, I know. Why am I talking about erasers when some fat diabetic kid who's eating a twinkie just passed out watching TwiFag somewhere.

When I was younger, I'd believe that someone out there is doing the exact same thing as I. It's pretty cool, really.

I'd also believe that someone would look very similar to me. Actually, I've come across this 'OSHIT-THAT-KID-LOOKS-LIKE-ME' situation once or twice. Once, I was in McD with my family when I saw the rear of a chubby lil' girl in a pink shirt and too tight gray pants. When she turned around, she looked like how I did when I was younger. Damn I only thought of one thing. I can't imagine how many retinas I've burnt just exposing my fat ass to the world. Sigh. Please don't bring your children out if Santa's going to drop them a treadmill on Christmas. The worst part is, I always thought I looked so fly with mah bell bottoms and over sized trainers. I would kill me back then.

Till then.