Hello there, shitbrain. Well, I am certainly not blind. I am clearly aware that you wrote your name there, Emir. If it's your real name, that is. I prefer to call you a shitbrain. Here are my reasons.
One, I can't imagine someone so lifeless to actually post at a stranger's cbox at 12:26 in the morning. It's either you are on crack, or you're just a shitbrain. Save yourself the humiliation.
Secondly, yo mama jokes are so overrated. I don't know if you want me to find it funny or offensive. I'll tell you what I feel though. I feel that you're a lifeless idiot with nothing better to do than to find satisfaction insulting someone's mother that you don't even know. Here's an idea! You can do something that benefits the both of us. Kill youself, for the sake of the world. But you're probably too stupid to read or understand. Oh well.
Third, you are certainly stupid enough to leave your email there. What did you expect? Sending hatemails to you saying 'Oh, Emir! Don't say that about my mother you jackshit!'
Well no, but you are nothing but a piece of jackshit. I don't know who you are which is why I don't care. The reason I'm typing this is to make the world realize that there are inane idiots existing right under our noses! Seriously, how do you manage to breathe? Again, go kill yourself. Although you'll do it in the most pussiest of ways.
Oh well, what do you expect from people like him/her?
I cringed at how bleak his/her life is. Part of me felt sorry for you. But then again, that was only a fraction of a second. Now, you're just another piece of jackshit that I laugh at.Till then.
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