November 30, 2009


Have you guys watched Biggest Loser Asia? I did. I watched the auditions while eating a big bowl of noodles. Not a very good idea.

MTV. Now I know EVERYONE has laid there eyes on this pathetic crap they call a channel with music videos and shit. You've got reality shows like 'The Hills' and 'Teen Cribs' and more I don't even care to know about. What I know is that MTV is fueled by a bunch of crackpots. Everyone on MTV is a crackpot. MTV loves rich children. They can't get enough of them. You've got shows that allow kids with rubber band banks flaunting their million dollar homes and cars. Got no talent? That's okay! Go get a show on MTV, you'll be known as the idiot with money. They tape these kids smoking, drinking, partying and shit like they're so ghetto. It just shows how messed up the society is these days. 16 year old spoiled brats get Bentleys for their birthday, fuck their parents up because they don't get the party planning right and make a drama out of EVERYTHING. I don't know if they just got a truckload of bad influences or their parents just don't care enough to fix their retarded way of raising a child. I think it's the latter.

I don't know what 'The Hills' is mainly about but I know it's just a bunch of 20-something-year-olds acting like hormonal teenagers, just with excessive alcohol and sex. They go on screen and make complete idiots out of themselves. MTV is responsible for making shallow fuckbrains even more famous with their constant whining about life and/or Chewbacca-voice singing; something we need less of in this world. I barely even understand why its categorized under 'entertainment' when it's just too painful to watch.

I just wanted to watch TV one day. A simple need for a simple person but MTV has to screw it up by promoting Paris Hilton's reality show "Paris Hilton : My New BFF" I've watched a lot of bad shows but this takes the cake. This is the most miserable show I have ever known to exist in the history of television. Why? Why is it even on air? Why doesn't anyone realize this blasphemy? Narcissist Princess Hilton gets about a hundred girls with 'potential' to line up and claw each others' faces off to be her new best friend. I'm not even exaggerating on the idiocy of the whole idea. This is me underplaying the show.

"I love Paris Hilton so much I want to be a her best friend" - some lifeless prick who just wants to kiss her ass.

It's just another publicity seeker slapper for all the girls that were on the show. It's okay Paris, stop trying so hard. We all know you're as dumb as a rock. No one is going to steal your thunder as no one can sing or dance or even talk like you. Hell, you even need to look for a friend through a tv show! You might get a brain hemorrhage.

The only benefit you achieve from watching MTV is to build your immunity against the vast majority of idiots in this world.

Before you leave, watch this video.

Till then.